Sunday, December 4, 2011

Joy Inventory #1


Hi everyone!

I've recently come across an article entitled Be Your Happiest (Tips For Finding Happiness and Improving Your Mood) from the Redbook magazine blog.

I've left the link above, knowing that you will love it and will surely get some great tips from the article. Here's the one I like best:
"Do a Joy Inventory:
Each night, jot down or make a mental list of three things, big or small, that brought a smile to your face that day (you got a seat on the bus; your boss loved your proposal). This happy list will keep your optimism soaring. The more you look out for life's little joys, the more of them you'll find."
So because of this, I am going to try to make a JOY INVENTORY of my own at least weekly. I guess this is a list of things that made me happy today:

1. I ate more than 3 times today
2. I have a baby brother who I can annoy and laugh with all the time. He was especially kind this morning.
3. I am dating a very kind and sincere guy

It made me smile just by looking at this small list. Somehow it makes me realize that even the most mundane things can make you happy. They are also free.

So I hope that you also make a joy inventory of your own. Let us all count our blessings!

Have a good day!

Sincerely, Flor

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